  1. Is Wireless Data Logging the Right Choice for You?

    There is certainly a profusion of wireless technology available and the amount is only likely to increase. For some people wireless data logging isn't necessary (or practical) but for a growing number, the line between logging, monitoring and controlling is becoming increasingly blurred and this is where wireless technology comes into its own.

    We asked our clients to tell us what their top reasons for going wireless are and so, in no particular order, here are the results:

    • Using wireless loggers ensures my measurements are always taken at the right time and are recorded correctly
    • Alarms & exceptions are recorded and reported by email to my PC or smart device enabling me to act promptly
    • I can now monitor how my goods are stored out of hours
    • I'm able to easily share research data with other Universities
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    Wireless technologies have been around for a while now in various guises but lately they appear to be growing in number with more and more products being added to the list of available technologies. In part this may be due to the rise of the ‘Internet of things’ (Where everyday technologies and appliances communicate with each over the internet) as more and more methods exist to connect devices either to the Internet or to each other using wireless technology.

    Whatever the reason, it’s good news for data logging! Data loggers aren’t the only technology benefitting from piggybacking the wave of wireless expansion but they are definitely one whose purpose converges easily.

    When we log events using a data logger we are, by definition, recording what has happened for analysis later. The moment we add the wireless dimension

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