Calibration is sometimes seen as an additional unnecessary cost to a business but in many cases it is vital for a business to trade legally and safely. Calibration and business go hand in hand.

Request a calibration quote from Tempcon >>here.

But what is Calibration? At its most basic, calibration is the process of comparing a reading on one piece of equipment or system, with another piece of equipment that has been calibrated and referenced to a known set of parameters. The equipment used as a reference should itself be directly traceable to equipment that is calibrated to a National Standard. The UK Standard being UKAS.

The more common measurements that are calibrated include: temperature, RH (relative humidity) Current, Pressure & Voltage, Relay contact and state.

Within catering, or commercial kitchens, the implications of using a piece of equipment that has not been calibrated could be that a critical food temperature is incorrectly measured, leading to customers becoming ill. The possible cost to reputation, when compared to the cost of a simple two point annual calibration, means it’s often not worth the risk of ignoring calibration.

In a process application any equipment used should be calibrated at multiple points across its working range to ensure reliable information to critical alarms and systems. Failure to calibrate or improper calibration has been the cause of injury, death and even major environmental disasters.

More information about Tempcon’s services.